As title mentioned that you want to run a specific activity in Android Studio

We got a possible solution for you.

Possible Solution

Your Android Manifest will contain all the activities code, all you need is to add

This one line into your activity tag. This will allow the IDE to run a specific activity in Android Studio.

Now go the Run from the Menu or press ALT+U to open the Run drop-down menu. Choose Edit Configuration from the list.

run a specific activity in android studio

Now from the Launch Option Select the Specified Activity and start typing in the activity text input, the android studio will automatically show you the list of all activities, select one from them or write the name of your activity.

running specific activity in android studio

Hit the Apply and Ok button, and Run your App.

Final Words on Run a Specific Activity in Android Studio

So, this is how we do running of specific activity in android, if you face any problem just let us know in the comment section.

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